I feel like I continue to make posts starting to update the collection, and then for some reason or another, I just keep failing to follow through. I know what needs to be done, so here it is... photographic evidence of the Mancave, and what needs to be done.
Luckily I have been somewhat jumpstarted by the kind invite of ScottyP from the Seibertron Trincast-Podcast. A few episodes ago he requested that people reach out to join the discussion. I reached out and hew as kind enough to give me a chance. I have to say I was elated to finally become one of the talking heads, however I knew I had a major issue. How would I join this video call from the man cave? Its in no shape to show off, but rather an eyesore right now. I did what I could. A quick clean up- to the best of my ability. I also moved the bar table over to work as my desk- expertly positioned so that my backdrop is my most kept up cases.
I kept everything setup, and I am happy to say I was part of the Twincast Podcast on Episode 308 Twincast Podcast 308-. Please let me know what you think--- I hope I provided a good point of view- and really enjoyed mysef!
However the underlying issue is still very much apparent. I need to do something about it. I love the collection. It has been a major part of me since 2000, however I need to get it back into check. I wish that I had enough display space to get everything out, however its not possible at this point. Bin life is a necessity, but I need to do it better. so here I go--- my goals are going to be stated- possibly to the ether, however I am planning on documenting this process for anyone in my same situation:
- Using my current format- have a true listing of the full collection.
- Accepting bin life the new format for the collection log is getting a new column- STORAGE LOCATION. I want to be able to gain access to anything- and know where it is without guessing.
- De-clutter. I have been fighting the need to keep every box, and I feel that I have made massive progress, however I know there is still many more boxes in hiding that need to meet the recycling bin.
- Get the full collection back into order. This includes, figures, comics, and paperwork.
- Address the building LEGO situation.
- Get the tech back in order.
These goals are in no particular priority. I just want to accomplish them. I am hoping once pee-wee football season is over time will open up and I can spend some significant time in making strides to making my man cave a destination.
Many people when needing encouragement in weight loss post the current state. It may not be the beginning or the worst look, but its where they make intentions known- so here it is- my starting point in Operation: ORDER-

My desk area is in drastic need of time. COVID had my new monitors provided to my wife and her friend to work from home- only one of these came back. I have a new set, however I need to rework this desk area. One positive note was that the podcast prep did get me to move the new 3D printer over to the desk and rearrange the towers. I need organize these cubbies, and figure out what all I am really saving. I have 2 computers here that need to be accessed. One is my typical daily driver, and the second is the one that I use as my home media server. I plan on moving the monitor stand to the other flat surface and setting up another work station, I have monitor mounts that I need to hang and add the new monitors to the daily. I also have some Ikea inserts to provide a more appealing look.
On top of this I really want to reimage the PCs and get all of my storage spaces and network more professional setup. I think this may be a primary focus, as I am hoping I will need to use it for future podcasting

Next to the desk sits the two newest Detolfs. If you look closely the bottom shelves have degraded to their own bin from the recent releases. I have not do a great job of keeping up and keeping organized. I need to go through these 2 cases and make them look as they should. I am embarrassed in how much I have allowed the to degrade. I never followed through in my inspiration for these two, but seeds of what I wanted are there. I had an '86 movie focus in mind. You can see the Quint shelf, with as many sharktions and allicons that I could muster in that shelf. I also have Coronation scene in mind- that even includes a Decepticon General statue that I have 3D printed, but still need to print. I am wanting to create the planet of junk- especially with the recent Pulsecon announcements. My first move with these cases will be to bag and store much of what was abandoned in process. Get these cases back to a good square one then readdress my display to complement Unicron on his nice little end table.

This was the workout area. The elliptical has to go. It was a great idea, but has since become the standard home elliptical machine clothes hanger. I think that the Street Fighter Arcade One Up machine will come back to this wall freeing up some more space next to the desk. I also need to work on these shelves.

Here is the main viewing area for the room. The main cases can be seen on the left. On the right is my book case that is for books- I know it sounds weird, and the recent book case that I have intended for Lego. This however degraded as I was trying to create my digital set of cartoons so I need to address the DVD storage. I want to setup the Lego on the component storage to maximize storage while blocking my projector. I will definitely clean up the cases on the left a bit, but that will be some in depth once I have a handle on the basement again.
And here is the real project. Bin-life is strong down here. You can see the black and yellow bins. They are new- and empty. game plan is to bag and label everything and hope to get these beauties onto the racks that are intended for me. Once I complete these two, more will be picked up and the process will continue. boxes will be addressed, and spreadsheets will be majorly updated.
So there is my starting point. I hope to keep this site updated with progress as I coninue on this project-- wish me luck. I hope to show a much more acceptible man cave in upcoming blogs!
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